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Carpet Cleaning Dunwoody GA
Keeping a clean home is essential to living a healthy lifestyle and one of the most important things that you can do to keep a clean home is to ensure that of the areas which can trap dust, dirt and allergens are not only cleaned but are done so properly and regularly. This includes all of the soft surfaces of your home such as furniture, drapes, bedding, mattresses and more. Most importantly its includes your floor coverings. in Dunwoody GA
Contact A Carpet Cleaning Professional in Dunwoody GA
Floor coverings are the largest soft surface by area in your home, and at the same time are the most heavily soiled. They can account for up to one-half of the dust, allergens and dirt that is circulated in your home. It is essential that they are cleaned regularly and properly in order to maintain your clean home and healthy lifestyle. While it may seem an easy task to clean your rugs, carpets, and mats, this can be a deceiving concept. Most would think that vacuuming is enough, but the truth is that vacuuming can only remove 1/3 at most of the particulates trapped in your floor coverings. Using a cleaning agent along with your vacuum may seem the answer but it has not been shown that doing so increases the effectiveness of the removal of deep down dirt, the kind that harbors things that can affect your health, significantly. The answer is in deep cleaning your carpets in Dunwoody GA, but even there you have to make some very careful choices in order to not only get the carpet clean, but to not damage it in the process in Dunwoody GA.
Deep cleaning of carpets, rugs, and mats seems simple enough. One can go to any hardware store, grocery store or home discount department store and rent an easy to use carpet cleaning machine along with the needed solutions and accessories. This may not be the right answer however. Most of the time these machines are not the best choice as they are intended to be used on a broad range of the most common types of rugs and carpets. They can be too powerful and may use solution that is too hot and as such may damage your floor covering. Consequently, they may not heat the solution enough or provide adequate spray coverage or suction to remove enough dirt. If they over saturate and do not extract all of the solution, they can leave behind a smell and discoloration, and may even shorten the life of your carpets in Dunwoody GA.
The best solution is to choose a professional carpet cleaning agent who has the knowledge and proper equipment to handle your particular type of floor covering. They can evaluate the carpets that need to be cleaned, can choose the safest solutions and cleaning agents. Know how to use the equipment properly and make any adjustments if needed and ensure that the carpets and rugs are complete and properly dried to keep them fresh and looking brand new.
Best of all you don’t have to worry about unwieldy machines having to be transported back and forth to the grocery store, buying the wrong chemicals and having to exchange them, moving around your furniture and other concerns that can lead to headaches when you try to do it yourself. Using a professional cleaning company can get you the clean rugs and carpets that you need to make sure that your home is as throughout clean and thus as touchingly healthy as it can be in Dunwoody GA.